I was on Facebook and someone asked the question….do you wash your face before bed?  I immediately answered yes and thought it was a crazy question.  Who doesn’t do this?! I was shocked at how many women don’t.  One woman even stated  that she doesn’t wash her mascara off and tries to get 2 days out of her eye makeup.  What???  First off, I want to know what eye makeup you are wearing that can make it 2 days without smudging or flacking? Secondly, how are you not one big zit without waking away the dirt from the day?

So I figured I would look up what effects, if any, not washing your face before bed has on your skin. Wow, it is crazy how bad it is for your skin. I read a couple articles and blogs and all said the same thing. Your skin ages quicker if you do not wash off makeup, dirt, oil and free radicals that are in the environment. It was approximated that your skin ages 2 days for every one that you do not wash your face. One lady even did an experiment where she didn’t wash her face at night for a month.  Her skin was dry, flaky, covered in acne and more wrinkles.  Her eyelashes were dry and brittle from not washing the mascara off each night and waiting until morning.   None of that sounds like any fun.

No matter how tired you are at night make time for a nightly face washing routine. Remove all your makeup, especially around your eyes.  Check out makeup remover and skin care regimes at http://www.youravon.com/donnaettinger

Makeup remover on sale now for only $.99
Makeup remover on sale now for only $.99